Thursday, July 28, 2011

Menu-gateway to adventure

Many believe that the menu is the most superfluous part of a restaurant. And the way most people use it, I find it difficult to disagree with this statement.
Think about it....Without fail, we all open the menu card and read it from cover to cover or end to end, whichever the case with great ceremony. And end up ordering what we always order. There's a whole world hidden away in that slightly laminated card..!! Alas, we lack the courage to try something new. And so reading the menu has become simply a ceremony. 
What we need, is a revolution,spearheaded by adventurers who will boldly go where other diners seldom venture. For instance, identify the cuisines availabe in your city. You'd be surprised how many there are..!! Go online and choose five dishes from each cuisine, read about how to pronounce them, what they are supposed to taste like. And now you're ready to order.
To paraphrase a proverb, the way to the heart of a culture is through its cuisine. You don't need a passport to be a globetrotter. You just need the spirit of adventure and a good appetite. So the next time you dine out, try with different cuisines..!!

3 Spoke out:

Deepa Gopal said...

That's a small, simple yet superbly delicious post! True, even I sometimes do it and the ones I always/most likely do. Very rarely do I try out. But when it comes to experimenting at home...I try out a lot!

Nona said...

Yes, I agree there is an adventure hidden inside the menu.

Sanjeetha Veni said...

@deepa: I haven't tried out anything by my own...I have just tried out eating new dishes..:P
@nona: :)

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