Sunday, February 27, 2011


The last week had been damn crazy with test after test everyday. To completely rejuvenate myself, I opted to see my childhood photos. I bounced upon lots of interesting things while seeing those. And here are some of those:
1. The greeting cards given to me by my friends when I was in my fifth grade. It was actually for my birthday and as my birthday falls in april (school vacation ), I always miss celebrating it in my school. Luckily, in my fifth grade, we had school till the end of March. My friends made that day so special for me and it was for the first time, I received lots of gifts. I still cherish those memories. Not to forget the birthday in my eighth grade where my friends made it to my home.
2. The comments written about me by my classmates in a piece of paper. I  still value it like a treasure.
3. Pictures are priceless treasures.  When people lose everything in a house fire, that is the one thing that is irreplaceable to them. I show a lots of interest in taking photos and even a lot more interest in keeping them in order from childhood till date. I believe that they enable us to freeze-frame moments in life and enjoy them later .It really bought a smile when I had a look at the pictures.
4. The photocopy of my 12th answer sheet.
5. Diary written when i was in my eighth. I always emphasise on diary writing. It shows one's own reflection. No doubt, we remember all the big things, but what about the little special things..!! It takes a minute to write, but a lifetime to cherish. 
   I firmly believe we need to live in the moment, but cherishing our memories is rather important too. And that's how my blog happened.

5 Spoke out:

varun said...

loved ur post, i totally agree with the points u said
gr8 style of writing u have

Anonymous said...

nostalgic at times while seeing photos. good point

Unknown said...

Today card making is becoming more and more popular and it is now an innovation to send greeting cards that were created by you. The cards are called handmade greeting cards. It is so easy to make various types of cards. A great number of people are making cards and of course you can. Several people are making cards as a hobby and at the same time earning from it. Learn more:

adult greeting cards

Shrikant said...

Even I started to blog for that particular reason.. for some nice memoried of ME.. not for comments.. not for numbers.. but for MYSELF.. just so that I read these things I write about a few months/years down the line and then maybe smile at the memories!!!!!
Oh and by the way must be pretty recent photos of you na.. KID!! :P

Sanjeetha Veni said...

@shri : :)

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