Friday, December 31, 2010

Time to take Resolutions

Last day of the year and it is time to make our resolutions for the new year.  And mostly these resolutions are about action on vices and virtues – giving up some, embracing some. By and large, they revolve around our very own selves and concern issues that directly affect us.
Just keep a hand on your heart, close your eyes and think whether at all or how many times you have thought of helping others or brought a smile on somebody’s face with an act of kindness. Did you ever or how many times did you stop to help someone stuck somewhere, or help an elderly carry bags or help a visually challenged cross the road, or helped the less privileged children learn something? We are all set apart as humans beings because of the fact that we have compassion and sympathy for others.
It is always wonderful to help others.  It induces more meaning to our life, increases self-esteem and helps us feel better deep within. One feels more worthy of good deeds, trust in the decency of people gets reinforced and one also feels more connected to self and others.
Don’t we all want to make a difference and want our lives to count for something? Perhaps we do not know what to do and how. We often tend to under-estimate our ability to make any difference and effect change for the better in our immediate neighbourhood, community, society or the country.
Take some resolution that will make you and your surroundings happy. And make yourself  unique.

3 Spoke out:

Raksha Bhat said...

Happy New Year Sanjeetha:)

Sanjeetha Veni said...

happy new year to you too raksha..:)

pramod said...

very well written.

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