Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

To all the Mothers, Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers out there, Happy Mother's Day..!!!  Mothers hold a special place in our hearts and stir our emotions when their name is mentioned or remembered.

When a person is in their childhood, his/her mom stands ahead of them to set an example. As  they grow up and become a teenager, she is always behind her little one, to lend support whenever they  need  it. Once they grow up to become a mature adult, the mother starts walking beside them, so that the two can be friends forever. In short, a mother is always there for her child, at each and every stage of their life.

I am remembered of a poem now by Eugene. I read this poem when I was a child. I was not aware of the meaning then....but now I could understand the true meaning of it. 
One night a tiny dewdrop fell
Into the bosom of a rose,--
"Dear little one, I love thee well,
Be ever here thy sweet repose!"

Seeing the rose with love bedight,
The envious sky frowned dark, and then
Sent forth a messenger of light
And caught the dewdrop up again.

"Oh, give me back my heavenly child,--
My love!" the rose in anguish cried;
Alas! the sky triumphant smiled,
And so the flower, heart-broken, died.

4 Spoke out:

Ashwin said...

Happy Mother's day..Good blog

Ashwin- Invincible said...

Keep blogging

Shrikant said...

Nice poem... but slightly sad!!! but with a very deep meaning!!! Happy mother's day.. thought belated!!

Sanjeetha Veni said...

thanks ashwin
@shri: thanks shri.:)

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