Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Shed those Kilos...

What makes you choose a particular dress to wear for the big party?
Your mood, party theme and crowd..?? Or the bulges you need to cover up ??
Look around, chances are that one in five people will be overweight and one in 10 obese.

Women are increasingly falling prey to the obesity bug largely due to a sedentary lifestyle and good appetite. Also the new age woman who juggles a hectic work schedule and personal life sees her body undergo metabolic changes. More often than not, such women either skip meals or binge on unhealthy food; all leading to obesity. Apart from your shape, all those extra pounds can lead to many health problems. 

So, is there anyway out...??
Here are some simple ways to lose weight in a healthy manner....
  • Keep a check on your metabolism. The Basal Metabolic Rate is the energy used by a person while inactive. Agents in chillies and pepper help increase BMR. So next time, choose a spicy dish over a sweet one.
  • Increase fibre intake. It will keep you feeling full for longer. Foods rich in fibre include whole grains, beans and green leafy vegetables.
  • Ban the lift. You must have heard of " lift the ban" but it's time to ban the lift. Use stairs whenever possible and sweat away those calories.
  • Gym responsibly. Excessive gymming  leads to muscle and water loss.
Don't expect miracles overnight. Try these faithfully along with healthy eating and I am sure you'll see a marked change in yourself.
By now, you must have heard this news...people who eat chocolates remain slim than those who don't.
So, instead of binging on pizzas and burgers, you can have those chocolates :)

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