I received these message from one of my friends which greatly lured me and thought I could put it up in my blog. All credits to her.
- If a big fat man comes through your window and puts you up in a sac, Don't fear, for I have asked Santa that I need you. ( I received this one during Christmas..:)
- "2 get" & "2 give" creates 2 many problems. But, just Double it
" 4 Get " & " 4 give " solves all the problems. So, lets live life with a simple attitude.
( i felt the true essence of this message )
P.S. Got a Transcend hard drive yesterday and spent the whole day in data transfer.
P.S. Got a Transcend hard drive yesterday and spent the whole day in data transfer.
4 Spoke out:
second one is awesome ant true too....
yes mag...it may sound simple...but it has a deep meaning in it
Big Fat Man taking you away in a sack... LOL can imagine you sitting in the sack looking like a kangaroo baby hee hee hee hee...
4Give and 4Get.. that one was tooo good!!
@ shri : :D
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